Happy New Year

Wishing everyone a happy new year and success in 2012. Reflecting, 2011 has been mostly kind to me. I read even more books than ever or rather I listened. Since discovering audiobooks, I find that I rarely read paper books or ebooks anymore. Audiobooks allow me to read when I otherwise won’t have time like while driving or at the gym. I am always trying to convince friends to jump on the audiobook bandwagon but it’s not easy and their first read will always be difficult. Listening to a book takes some getting use to.
On Audiobook Wizard, it has been a good year. I released version 2.0 a couple of months back and so far sales has been steady. I am grateful for the support I am getting from my users. But if you are not ready to trade up from version 1.1 which is still completely free, that’s ok too. If you used Audiobook Wizard and it has in some ways enrich your experience with a good book, I am happy.

See you in 2012!

Version 2.0 is now available

The latest version of Audiobook Wizard is on sales for $4.99 at the Mac Appstore! (goto download section to find download link). It has taken a while but it’s finally here. Version 2.0 of Audiobook Wizard is simpler to use, twice as fast and fixes a lot of reported bugs from version 1.1.
I hope current users will consider upgrading to the paid version to support my work on Audiobook Wizard. However, version 1.1 will continue to be available for free although I’ve discontinued support for it. For new users that have never converted audio files into audiobooks for their iDevices before, version 1.1 is a good way to get your feet wet.

New version is coming

It’s been a while since I’ve updated this website. Sorry but I got a day job and it has been really busy. The good news is I managed to find some time recently to create a totally new version of Audiobook Wizard which is faster, with more features and at the same time less features (to make the process as error free and as painless as possible). More importantly, this is the only version that supports OS X Lion. It’s complicated why the previous version wouldn’t but it has to do with use of Rosetta which is no longer supported in OS X Lion. I plan to put this version up for sale on the Mac Appstore for a pittance to support my programming habit. The previous version will continue to be available free of charge and I encourage you to continue using it if you are using Snow Leopard and lower versions of OS X.  Thank you for the many emails I received and hope the new version will fill the need for Lion support.